
05 November 2006

Arrival to Delhi

Pictured here is our team upon arriving in Dharamsala: Angela, Cherlyn, Lisa, Rebecca, and myself. Tom and his guide, Hekani, are missing from the photo.

Each of us brought unique specialties to the table, including architecture, education, non-profit work, law, real estate, and freelancing. Tom, a law professor, initiated our trip, while Hekani, an Indian-based lawyer, and I co-coordinated the journey.

One wonderful aspect of our team was our diversity. Individually, we had much to offer, which helped us cultivate creative project ideas for schools in India.

Throughout our time together, we forged friendships through shared experiences. Traveling through Northern India and witnessing the challenges associated with poverty was difficult to witness. However, stepping beyond our familiar comforts and seeing the world through a different lens was deeply enlightening and humbling.

Tom standing outside our hotel in Delhi.

Upon our arrival, we stayed at the Lakir House, a charming and modest Tibetan hotel that offered a pleasant experience. One noteworthy aspect of our trip was the amusing signs we encountered throughout India. These signs often provided insight into the local culture and humor, which is hilarious even for those with ancestral connections to the region, like myself.

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